Saturday, April 2, 2011

You know I'm still fascinated by how wonderful God is

Today was pretty much okay for me but for others it must have been a blast. I was really mediocre today and I was really not in the mood for much and I have my moments where I'm questioning my moods because I feel like I don't portray some of the emotions that I say I do or really feel. I really like our brothers and sisters at Eastern Gate IHOP and I was really surprised to see a few people. But even with the few number of people God's presence was there and I felt him moving. I'm just captivated by how much love, effort, and time goes into the hearts and minds of the interns or full time staffers at Eastern Gate when it comes to congregating every Saturday or any other day of the week to worship our Father. I really love how the guys have their weekly thing after the whole thing, going back to Ken's house for a little BBQ (Its like a man cave). It was delicious and hopefully more people can tag along next time ^^. Going into the prayer meeting I didn't know what to really expect and I rarely expect anything but that God is good and that whatever he wanted to do or what I wanted to get off my chest I could do it there with my fellow brothers and sisters. Usually during the weekly prayer meetings I just asked God to open or show any verse in the Word that he wanted to reveal to me. Our 1st prayer meeting, he showed me 1 Timothy 2 (repent and intercede for our brothers and sisters and the nation). The 2nd prayer meeting I'm not so sure or I was there (time flies by so fast nowadays I'm growing old). But today's prayer meeting was different, because he first showed me Galatians 1 and in the man cave over in Jersey we were talking about biblically sounded theology. Pretty awesome but for me wasn't fascinating or interesting (maybe just confirmation to dive deeper into wanting to know the truth or know Him more). He then showed me Isaiah 54 and what caught my eye is verse 13 All your sons will be taught by the Lord. I don't know if this just amazes you or interests you but it really does because partially most of the prophets or people of the Old testament time were brought up and taught by the Lord. I mean what says he can't do it now.. but thats just my perspective. I closed the book and I asked for a 3rd time, and even before that I think thats when a mother (her name is Faith) and her son (his name is Bobby) showed up in our prayer meeting. I opened it up again and it fell upon 1 Samuel 17 David and Goliath. I was like what does this mean and I felt the Lord saying keep reading. Then Bobby in our prayer meeting started making noise and thats when I really paid close attention to him. I was really interested in why he was with us and I really wanted to know, because I believe that everything happens for a reason. So I kept reading and I felt that as I was reading David and Goliath, God was telling me to lift up my brother, his son and bless him. It was primarily because as I read that passage I was thinking that (before he was king) David at the time was a little 7 year old boy but David Herling corrected me and told me he was about my age, after the meeting. But without the Lord communicating me David and Goliath in this way I would have never thought about that little boy and he would have not been on my heart. I love little kids because I see something brilliant in them, usually its because I reflect on myself when I was a little kid, possibly innocent and maybe sweet. I look at them as I would have wanted to have been treated when I was their age. I don't look at them as little to the point where I don't really want to deal with them or tolerate them, I try my best to see them as individuals with a story, a place, and a life thats wonderfully different or beautifully made by God, planned out and only known by our Father. I asked if I could pray for Bobby in the prayer meeting and immediately Faith started telling me her prayer request. I was fascinated by what plaque Bobby and what he and Faith was put through, and I was really blessed to hear their story. Bobby had a brain infection that was causing him to die, and his immune system was being shot to death. When he was a baby his father had unclean hands and stuck his finger in his son's mouth to get him infected. From then on the Faith didn't know until she herself found she had been infected by her husband, and she is really thankful for the fact that she was infected, otherwise she might have not known that her son may have been infected also. All the doctors told them that her boy was not going to get better and that there was nothing they could do. But as time progressed she kept with her faith (this is when I remembered her name and wow.. I'm really bad with names so yea I think Abba introduced me to one I could remember haha) and she didn't give up on her son. Every since then her son has been in a healing process recovering from a count of 7 diseases and really its been a blessing. After I prayed for her son, she came back after 5-10 minutes telling me that her son passed stool that had fungus in it (which is good news because the disease is being cleansed out of his system as we speak) PRAISE GOD!. So she really wanted to thank the Lord and so we praised God with what we could then and there and in remembrance forever we'll continue to praise him for what he had done. Bobby is still in the healing process and I really felt that David and Goliath referred to his life in the sense of overcoming what would have been thought to be impossible, but with God being at his side and being with him the impossible became the possible. So as a prayer request continue to intercede for our little brother to find someone loving that would give him a good education and work with him. Thank God and praise him always! Thank you Abba ^^.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

First Journal entry in the Journal and on a Blog

Today was the first time I wrote in the journal I was given on my birthday on June 3rd, 2010. I really don't write a lot and usually I don't write things down but today I felt compelled with a need to write things down. I'll share most of what I wrote though and this basically goes out to Blueprint Youth Group or Blueprint Group since we're all growing older lol. We reside in Flushing, Queens haha for any online readers who stumble across this blog or post.

First time that I finally felt the need to write something and keep it somewhere. God is good, he is unbelievably awesome!! I think for me the little things are enough to get my attention. I dislike the word luck with a passion, despise Karma too, and absolutely dread the word sacrifice. Today was pretty awesome and theres really barely any words I can say to describe it. I absolutely love small things though I take my mom for granted sometimes. Thats something that he's been working on with me and its just part of growing up. Today I was totally out of it, looking at certain aspects of my life that still need working on and reflecting. Arguments are an occasional thing, especially when a broken family sees little hope. Worry strikes, future and hope seems distant, and financial troubles make things worse.The ability to perform is therefore held at a higher regard especially since I'm almost 18. But the positive thing is God is still so amazing. Encouragements don't come easily to the Ku family unless something impacting and longer lasting happens (wow.. I was thinking about Juicy Fruit). They are usually short-lived and small but big during times of my own reflections. Though I have trouble starting sometimes, when I'm in it I try giving it my all. Getting sidetracked and not going into the fine details, growing up for me won't be easy, but its amazing to do it with God by my side. I love today because he did small things in a big way for me. Sometimes we really need to learn how to appreciate the small things in life. Not in the mood for worshiping or least of all really doing power point I thank God he pull me through. I really appreciated how David Choi stopped and asked God to come, sometimes we forget that. God gave me a seat plan on the left side of the Mana hall facing the stage. 4 rows, 2 seats in the back. Funny how 2 people came and sat in the placement I had in mind. During worship the lord helped me with David's awesome improv's. He brought me from song to song to blank slide (his improv) to fire fall down. During Shawshank Redemption I just really love how he brings my childhood memories (watching a lot of movies about people caring for others) and how he is softening my heart continuously and shaping it so that it would not turn cold and callous. Anyways be blessed all and praise God!